Common Questions
Need to Know
Check below to browse the most common inquiries we get at FoSA. If you have any further questions regarding our process, programs or offerings, please feel free to contact us and we’ll be happy to assist you today.
How do I ensure my child will stay safe during planned activities?
Enter your answer here. Be thoughtful, write clearly and concisely, and consider adding written as well as visual examples. Go over what you’ve written to make sure that if it was the first time you were visiting the site, you’d understand the answer.
When and where are meetings held?
Enter your answer here. Be thoughtful, write clearly and concisely, and consider adding written as well as visual examples. Go over what you’ve written to make sure that if it was the first time you were visiting the site, you’d understand the answer.
How can I become part of the organization?
Enter your answer here. Be thoughtful, write clearly and concisely, and consider adding written as well as visual examples. Go over what you’ve written to make sure that if it was the first time you were visiting the site, you’d understand the answer.